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Financial Wellness has been defined as “effectively managing your economic life” (Rath & Harter). This concept includes factors such as preparing for financial emergencies, controlling spending, access to financial tools and information to make informed decisions and developing a financial plan for achieving future goals. The overall objective is financial security which is the fundamental goal for most individuals.


Financial Wellness, for individual and small business owners (they are intertwined), encompasses comprehensive personal financial planning and strategy business planning that engenders a holistic approach that will empower the individual and business owner, respectively, to establish balance in their economic lives.


To address these concerns, E. Roger Financial Group has developed two financial wellness cards, the E. Planning Card, a vehicle for personal financial planning and the E. Biz Planning Card for small business owners.


E. Planning Card

The E. Planning Card provide individuals with access to financial planning services at reduce rates as well as financial tools and financial education that can
assist with making informed financial decisions.

For individuals and families, the E. Planning Card will assist with providing balance between daily financial needs and long-term goals.

E. Biz Planning Card

The E. Biz Planning Card provide similar services to
small business owners that allow for more efficient
operation of their enterprise.

For the small business owner, the E. Biz Planning
Card benefits can assist with providing balance between daily operating needs and creating a
long-term growth strategy for the business.

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